Information Minister and Awami League (AL) Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud on Friday said 50,000 families in Rangunia Upazila have been brought under food aid and social security net through government-private food assistance programmes.×280&!2&fsb=1&dtd=78
“Apart from the government support, we have started relief work since the lockdown through the NNK Foundation, a family organization founded in Rangunia after the name of my parents,” he said.
The food aid has already been provided to thousands of people of Rangunia and it will continue in future, he added.
Dr Hasan was addressing as chief guest a function to distribute food items among unemployed people affected by the corona virus through the NNK Foundation, on Majumdarkhil High School ground in Rangunia Upazila.
Idris member, representative at self-reliant Rangunia Union of NNK Foundation, presided over the function while Rangunia Pourshova Mayor Shahjahan Sikder addressed the function as special guest.
Speaking on the occasion, Shahjahan Sikder said the second phase of food distribution is being carried out through the NNK Foundation on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan at the personal initiative of the Information Minister.
“So far, food grains aid has been provided to about 12,000 families in 15 unions and municipalities of Rangunia upazila only by NNK Foundation,” he said. Each packet contains 10 kg of daily commodities, including rice, pulses, oil, onion and sugar. At the union level these relief items are being distributed while maintaining a safe distance. The information minister’s distribution of food items to the people of Rangunia will continue throughout the month of Ramadan due to the crisis caused by the corona, Sikdar added.
Dr. Hasan said more than one-third of the people in Bangladesh have been brought under government assistance in this global crisis due to the corona virus.